Wasim The Vizard Leader


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bel311 21 class.. introductory paragraph with thesis statement that been approved.

Wednesday, 30/1/2013 at cll2..

Introductory need a roots.

 The five-part essay is a step up from the five-paragraph essay. Often called the "persuasive" or "argumentative" essay, the five-part essay is more complex and accomplished, and its roots are in classical rhetoric. The main difference is the refinement of the "body" of the simpler five-paragraph essay. The five parts, whose names vary from source to source, are typically represented as:

a thematic overview of the topic, and introduction of the thesis;

a review of the background literature to orient the reader to the topic; also, a structural overview of the essay;

the evidence and arguments in favor of the thesis;

the evidence and arguments against the thesis; these also require either "refutation" or "concession";

summary of the argument, and association of the thesis and argument with larger, connected issues.

In the five-paragraph essay, the "body" is all "affirmation"; the "narration" and "negation" (and its "refutation" or "concession") make the five-part essay less "thesis-driven" and more balanced and fair. Rhetorically, the transition from affirmation to negation (and refutation or concession) is typically indicated by contrastive terms such as "but", "however", and "on the other hand".

The five parts are purely formal and can be created and repeated at any length, from a sentence (though it would be a highly complex one), to the standard paragraphs of a regular essay, to the chapters of a book, and even to separate books themselves (though each book would, of necessity, include the other parts while emphasizing the particular part).

Another form of the 5 part essay consists of

Introduction Introducing a topic. An important part of this is the three pronged thesis.

Body Paragraph 1 Explaining the first part of the three pronged thesis

Body Paragraph 2 Explaining the second part of the three pronged thesis

Body Paragraph 3 Explaining the third part of the three pronged thesis

Conclusion Summing up points and restating thesis

In essence, the above method can be seen as following the colloquialism "Tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em, tell 'em, tell 'em what you told 'em" with the first part referring to the introduction, the second part referring to the body, and the third part referring to the conclusion.

The main point of the five-part essay is to demonstrate the opposition and give-and-take of true argument. Dialectic, with its formula of "thesis + antithesis = synthesis", is the foundation of the five-part essay.

You could also use:

Intro: Hook(3 sentences),
Connector(3 sentences),
Body 1:
Topic Sentence,
Evidence 2,
Concluding Sentence
Body 2:
Topic Sentence,
Evidence 2,
Concluding Sentence
Body 3:
Topic Sentence,
Evidence 2,
Concluding Sentence
Sum up all of your elements and make your essay sound finished. (Use about 7 sentences similar to the intro)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

20th bel311 class. Thesis Statement.

Tuesday, 29.1.2013.... Thesis Statement
Class started 4pm at U214. Miss Zur was already inside the class and i’m late about 5 minutes. The projecter was already ready for us to present out thesis statement. In the thesis statement  there must be a parrallel word. If we say the subject in past all must in past and if we put ing... all must put ing.
Don’t do a grammar mistake’s by putting “their” instead of they. Their is a possessive pronouns for an example this was their books or this book was theirs.
When we have something to show Miss Zur as we have a task to presenting in the class, before shows anything to her, we must point out and show to others for misspelled words or grammar mistakes. Sometimes we don’t  see what that we do wrong as someone else can see what our mistakes is. Then correct all of the mistakes with peer editing or our mark will be the victims of deduct.
.....................................what words have the same meanings as bad?.......negative, awful ,not good, shortcomings.

The Thesis Statement that me and Izzat do....
       Thesis statement 0001
The Malaysian Outcome Based Education and School Based Assesment are different in terms of outcome, learning process and the grading approach but are similar in terms of learning goal.
:D of corse it is not the perfect thesis statement but that will do.. :P

something that we must find for our term paper. :D it was the differences between obe and sba :P

Our point are outcomes, learning process, grading approach and the similarity in learning goal.

these were our point that we find for our thesis statement.

00000000001        Differences : no 1.. outcome…

1)Result oriented thinking.

•It is what the student should be able to do at the end of the course


2)Input based education.

•It is to emphasis on the educational process and happy to accept whatever the result
00000000002       Differences : no 2.. Learning process…
1)Result oriented thinking.

•Self directed learning, promotes a student centered approach to learning by themselves. students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do.


2)Input based education.

•Teacher involving the students in self-assessment both teacher and students reviewing and reflecting on assessment data which leads to students recognizing the next steps in their learning and how to take them.
0000000003      Differences : no 3 Grading approach…

1)Result oriented thinking. (OBE)

•teachers can use any objective grading system they choose, including letter grades. Instead of letter grades, obe use awarded "levels".

2)Input based education. (SBA)

•students are given grades and rankings compared to each other

Differences between formative and assumptive assessment
Formative (SBA)
Now think that you will be forming an assessment as your students work on a goal or process that needs to be learned. This will show if the students are learning what the instructor wanted them to learn. As they have time to practice and perfect the material, the instructor will be able to to clear up problems, evaluate what needs to be re-taught or clarified, and to know if certain learning activities need to be modified during or before the next class session. These are the practice and learning time. It is good to have the students in on the assessment also. LIke a rubric or such, to see how they are doing or should be doing. This is where they are involved.

Summative Assessment:obe
This would be the "final" or "test"ing device or tool that you would use to assess what they have learned and how they put into practice.
It could be a final exam, a detailed diagram to identify and explain, it could be their own project to show how the learning has been put into place and has be synthesized. This assessment will show you if the students have met the goals of the class. Much like your professor wants you to
SHOW him that you know what both are and that you are able to plan out a French lesson with learning activities. (Formative assessment)
Maybe some of the kids don't get something in the lesson (maybe irregular verbs), then you can see that on their papers, or listening to them talk to each other, of checking a quiz. Then you can alter that and change the next day's lesson to go over something that the students did not understand.
THEN-->the summative assessment is their final exam, written or oral, a project, or a poster, or whatever you have them ultimately tested on so that the instructor can see if they have mastered that concepts of the French class.

The 3 similarity but we only put in our thesis statement learning for the same goals.

•Similarity : 1) learning for same goals.
know and recognize the standards they are aiming for.
                      2) provides a platform for student.
determines whether students have achieved the stated standard. Assessments may take any form, so long as the assessments actually measure whether the student knows the required information or can perform the required task.
                      3) continuous process
continuous process of reflection, observation and monitoring, recording and reporting, with feedback and self and peer assessment being integral components of all teacher-student interaction.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

19th bel311 class. The introductory paragraph of our term paper.

Tuesday, 22.1.2013...

Class was held at u214, im totally out of my mind about this class as all the introductory paragraph work are in my pendrive and the pendrive was at my classmate, i don't know what to do but i have a bit idea what in that pendrive. In short time i make one introductory paragraph but sadly it not enough and i got it wrong. Thesis statement is still weak and stand is still a mess. I don't know what to say to Miss Zur as i am speechless at that time. My head was mess today because today i got 4 quizzes and need to make revision about all of that. QMT have 2 quiz that evening 10 - 2, Ctu Islamic Economic was on that morning 8am-10 am and another quiz of macroeconomic starts  8pm - 10 pm. Bel class today was on 4pm-6pm and this head feel so tired a bit dizzy because of the late sleep studying overnight.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

17th bel311 class. Hook and transition after thesis statement.

What is the purpose of the introductory paragraph?
nGet the reader’s attention
nSet tone for the rest of the essay
nMake a contract with the reader - what will be covered in this piece?

Writing an Introduction for a More Formal Essay (expository or persuasive)
"Hook-transition-thesis" method...
Your introductory paragraph should include:
1) Hook: description, illustration, narration or dialogue that pulls the reader into your paper topic. This should be interesting and specific.
2) Transition: sentence that connects the hook with the thesis
3) Thesis: Sentence (or two) that summarizes the overall main point of the paper. The thesis should answer the prompt question.

Types of Hooks

1. Personal examples
2. Quotations
3. Facts or statistics
4. Rhetorical questions
5. Current events
6. Contrast to the thesis statement
7. Definition

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

16th bel311 class, Thesis Statement.

Thesis Statement it is like a preview of the essay. The reason for placing a thesis in the first paragraph of an essay or as soon after it as possible is that the sooner you state it the more likely you are to remain aware of your main idea and the less likely you are to wander from that idea as you write. A strong thesis statement both names the topic and reveals the writer's opinion about that topic. It should be clear and specific. A thesis statement can also list the supporting ideas, but sometimes these are written in a separate sentence

A thesis statement is a complete sentence that contains one main idea. This idea controls the content of the entire essay. A thesis statement that contains subpoints also helps a reader know how the essay will be organized. Look at the introductory paragraph below. See if you can identify the thesis statement and subpoints.

Monday, January 14, 2013

15th bel311 class. Debate

Monday, 14.1.2013...

class is being more and more happening as today class students going to have a debate. we divide into 4 groups and each pair of group is given a title for us to debate against each other later. Both groups have same number or debater and there will be one person who win a debater award and one group win the debater point. Actually this was my first time going for a debate and it a new experience for me. Always keep in your mind that debate is not what you think you choose, it is what you must stand and fight for even if we did'nt agree with the topic if we become the gov we must agree and give all the point that we agree about it.

My group got the title " Is it considered cheating when your partner (gf/bf/husband/wife) was checking on other beautiful (girls/boys/men/women) on facebook (poke or like)?"

The point i got from this was like or poke is not considered cheating, if you see a funny picture about someone, you want to like the picture as you are like about that funny picture, is it considered cheating? of course no!! it for fun not for anything else others, what do you think fb was created for?? is it for cheating?? or course no!!!! IT WAS CREATED FOR EDUCATION PURPOSE AT FIRST FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND IT BEEN GAINING POPULARITY TILL THEN IT PURPOSE CAN ALSO FOR CONNECTING PEOPLE THOUGHOUT THE WORLD,BUSINESS AND OTHERS.

Also, some of people used fb for business purpose, checking group, checking some other things that not related to love. Even if a guy like a beautiful girl picture, of course people also have a rights to like things it was not cheating because he only like and poke her, as long as he does'nt chat or comment her it was not called cheating.

That was out of questions, every people need a friends to live. As we are not always with our (gf/bf/husband/wife) when we at work we need friends or co workers to live on. We seek others when we need something, our world have more than a thousand bilions people and if we cannot connecting with them, what the used?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The 14th bel311 class. Commenting all the bloggers.

Assalamualaikum all fellow readers, This was great day for me to write a post on my blog as a title of this post commenting all the bloggers :D Today class was held at cll2 on 9/1/2013,wednesday. Today class was relax because we all can don't do anything only sit infront of the computer on that labs to commenting our friends blogger. Some of us even use that opportunity to open their facebook and chat with their friends. lol, Miss Zur notice us but she did'nt mad and doen'nt care what we open. :D

She gave us 30 minutes to edit our blog so that we put all the Topic of term paper and all its material inside our blog. After we put all that stuff inside of our blog, then we start commenting all our friends bloggers. Athirah have post all of our blog link inside the class group for us to open and commenting.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bel311 13th class Facts and opion

Assalamualaikum. We meet agains :D It is great to know that someone appreciate this blog and used up their valuable time to read this post. Thank you for your support. For today post, the tite is about the facts and opinion. The whether today was rainy and its freezing out here makes my skin very-very dry up. As for today class, it was held on Tuesday 8.1.2013 at U214. I’m arrived a bit early today because the class before this class ended earlier than usual. It was an unusual day for this week as I’m always bring up my bel311 text books to the class but today I am forgot to bring it. The text books was left at the hostel and I don’t want to go back there in this rainy wheather and wet my cloth just to take one textbook. So, I’m just went to class without it and after im arrived, just 4 minutes after Miss Zur entered the class. She asked us to show our blog to her, what did we do? There were many mistakes that need to be corrected and she wants some idea and creativity from us to put it in our blog. She was expecting us to write more word and minimum word for one a post is 100 words. Then she says “ If you write something in the blog, don’t make it as simpleton and not take it seriously(asal buat) because the thing that you write will not be good. We all must getting used to writing in the blog and google search for article and anything that got got to do with the class that we learnt that day. Miss Zur concern was not the appearance but what in it that Miss Zur want to see it is the contains of what we write. Okay now we talk about what we should and should not put in the blog according to Miss Zur blogger law :P

Things that we can put on our blogger:

1. Reflection, all things that happen in the class.
2. Some links that we can put, as long as it was got to do with the class.
3. The title must be interesting
4. We can also be interactive
5. Express our thought and opinion about the class and the blogger.
6. Show some effort for this blog, do not delay the work as it will pill up bigger and bigger that why we don’t have time to finnish them on later days.

Things that we don’t put inside our blogger:
1. Grammar mistakes
2. Lazy works and same meaning to it.
3. And all the stuff that piss off Miss Zur. Kekeke
Now, we learned about Facts and opinion..

• Facts is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence
                  For example :Fikri was born on 19/3/1993
• Opinion is a feeling, judgement, belief or conclusion that cannot be proven true by objective evidence.
For example : Fikri is a handsome boy.( others may find it absurb and say he was not handsome at all).

Then, we do some exercise about facts and opinion, know the traits of facts and opinion. Separating facts and opinion.

Facts :
• Objective
• Stated
• Can be verified
• Specific detail and it was proven can be trust.

Opinions :
• Subjective
• Adjective
• Interprets reality

For the term paper that we do, the word and main idea must proven by the facts. ( based from the material we search)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

12th Class of bel311 Blog Editting.

It was a very hot day and we were sweating from the heat of the sun. The class was held at DSP and the date of today was 07/01/2013, Monday. All student was been told to brings our own laptop to do our blog on the class today.


Unfortunately, the student wifi have a problem and we can't access it. we all cannot do our blogger at the DSP as we can't connect to the internet. Miss Zur dissapointed with today unlucky and ask us can you connect the wifi at the library? then we say to her actually we can connect to student wifi anywhere inside this campus but today we can't connect, maybe there were a service on the student wifi. After that, miss suggest us to bring all our stuff to the library, we can use the library computer as it was connected to ptdi internet connection directly. Then, Miss gave the attendance paper to us and who have sign the attendance paper can go to the library immediately. After arrived at the library, it was a tiring journey as the sun scorching make us very thirsty at the moment and we bought soda from the soda machine at the library to relief our thirst. Inside the library we do our blogger and comments each other blog.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

bel311 11th class Skimming and Scanning

Assalamualaikum. Today my class was held at CLL2. Before we start the lessons, Miss Zur ask us to do online quiz until 4.30 p.m. After we finished it, she starts our lesson with finding the main idea.Today we learn and recall back what have we learn in bel 206,skimming and scanning. Then, Miss Zu teaches us about finding the main idea but it not stated in the paragraph. Before that, Miss Zu asks us to do quiz in i-learn and after that Miss Zu make the quiz of this topic.

Scannning Technique

  • this is a selective reading skill to locate facts and answer specific question
  • to save time you do not need to read every word on the pages
  • You can scan a timetable, pages of dictionary, charts, table etc

Skimming Technique

  • reading this is a reading skill employed to obtain the general idea of a text, to find out the writers point of view and to see how the content in a passage are arranged
  • when a text or a passage is too long and we have limited time, we use this technique
  • when skimming, look for key words and phrases, the heading or subheading for the general idea of the passage.

 We ended our class at 6.00pm. Miss Zu also remind us that she will check our blogs next week.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

10th Bel311 class. Summarize

Today class was special because it was on the new year. Today date 1/1/2013 Tuesday. New year was celebrate yesterday night but we still attend class because Uitm Johor did'nt took public holidays for today.

The class was held at u214, we were discussed about the homework that she gave to us yesterday. need to completed exercised from text book. We discussed about "Paraphrasing". Miss zu chosen several person to answer their question start from this day onward my favorite page of bel311 books was page 55-58. If i want to get high marks and increase my performance in english that page is the one i must read frequently. Summary is a shorter version of the essay. It's contain same meaning and same main idea of the essay but it words in it was shorter than the words in the essay. We learn about MIDAS today, M for main idea, I for identify supprot detail, D design, A analyze redundant information and S stand for simplification. We do some exercise find it topic and then summarize them some of dust devil and tornadoes. :D

What is Summarizing??

>Summarizing is how we take larger selections of text and reduce them to their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering. Webster's calls a summary the "general idea in brief form"; it's the distillation, condensation, or reduction of a larger work into its primary notions.
">What Are We Doing When We Summarize??
We strip away the extra verbiage and extraneous examples. We focus on the heart of the matter. We try to find the key words and phrases that, when uttered later, still manage to capture the gist of what we've read. We are trying to capture the main ideas and the crucial details necessary for supporting them.

What the mistakes im usually do... :huhu

  • i'm write down everything back
  • i'm write down next to nothing
  • i'm give the complete sentences
  • i'm  writing way too much
  • i'm don't write enough
  • i'm copy word for word

What should i do when doing summarizing..?

  • pull out main ideas
  • focus on key details
  • use key words and phrases
  • break down the larger ideas
  • write only enough to convey the gist
  • take succinct but complete notes