Wasim The Vizard Leader


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bel311 13th class Facts and opion

Assalamualaikum. We meet agains :D It is great to know that someone appreciate this blog and used up their valuable time to read this post. Thank you for your support. For today post, the tite is about the facts and opinion. The whether today was rainy and its freezing out here makes my skin very-very dry up. As for today class, it was held on Tuesday 8.1.2013 at U214. I’m arrived a bit early today because the class before this class ended earlier than usual. It was an unusual day for this week as I’m always bring up my bel311 text books to the class but today I am forgot to bring it. The text books was left at the hostel and I don’t want to go back there in this rainy wheather and wet my cloth just to take one textbook. So, I’m just went to class without it and after im arrived, just 4 minutes after Miss Zur entered the class. She asked us to show our blog to her, what did we do? There were many mistakes that need to be corrected and she wants some idea and creativity from us to put it in our blog. She was expecting us to write more word and minimum word for one a post is 100 words. Then she says “ If you write something in the blog, don’t make it as simpleton and not take it seriously(asal buat) because the thing that you write will not be good. We all must getting used to writing in the blog and google search for article and anything that got got to do with the class that we learnt that day. Miss Zur concern was not the appearance but what in it that Miss Zur want to see it is the contains of what we write. Okay now we talk about what we should and should not put in the blog according to Miss Zur blogger law :P

Things that we can put on our blogger:

1. Reflection, all things that happen in the class.
2. Some links that we can put, as long as it was got to do with the class.
3. The title must be interesting
4. We can also be interactive
5. Express our thought and opinion about the class and the blogger.
6. Show some effort for this blog, do not delay the work as it will pill up bigger and bigger that why we don’t have time to finnish them on later days.

Things that we don’t put inside our blogger:
1. Grammar mistakes
2. Lazy works and same meaning to it.
3. And all the stuff that piss off Miss Zur. Kekeke
Now, we learned about Facts and opinion..

• Facts is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence
                  For example :Fikri was born on 19/3/1993
• Opinion is a feeling, judgement, belief or conclusion that cannot be proven true by objective evidence.
For example : Fikri is a handsome boy.( others may find it absurb and say he was not handsome at all).

Then, we do some exercise about facts and opinion, know the traits of facts and opinion. Separating facts and opinion.

Facts :
• Objective
• Stated
• Can be verified
• Specific detail and it was proven can be trust.

Opinions :
• Subjective
• Adjective
• Interprets reality

For the term paper that we do, the word and main idea must proven by the facts. ( based from the material we search)

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